3839 Washington Ave N Ste 101, Minneapolis, MN 55412
Highlight Printing

Manuals to the Rescue

How often do we need manuals in business or to accompany our products? Only when necessary—and that’s often. In business, we work hard to streamline our processes and create standards for consistency of workflow and branding. This commitment to excellence also reduces the instances of recreating the wheel and wasted time. To achieve this, a manual is your answer.

For your own products, you may need a manual to accompany the purchase. These often explain how to assemble, use, maintain, and troubleshoot potential issues. There are often warranties and information on how to purchase accessories or replacement parts. You may include how to call for customer service. Printed manuals are a great way to accomplish this as a benefit to your customer—and to reduce the number of calls you receive for support. 

<h1 class="p1">Manuals to the Rescue</h1>
<p class="p1">How often do we need manuals in business or to accompany our products? Only when necessary—and that’s often. In business, we work hard to streamline our processes and create standards for consistency of workflow and branding. This commitment to excellence also reduces the instances of recreating the wheel and wasted time. To achieve this, a manual is your answer.</p>
<p class="p1">For your own products, you may need a manual to accompany the purchase. These often explain how to assemble, use, maintain, and troubleshoot potential issues. There are often warranties and information on how to purchase accessories or replacement parts. You may include how to call for customer service. Printed manuals are a great way to accomplish this as a benefit to your customer—and to reduce the number of calls you receive for support.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>

Print Options

Whatever the purpose of your manual, Highlight Printing Minneapolis has years of experience designing, formatting, printing, and binding these useful gems. If you have your information already on file and ready for print, we have a web-to-print option that gets the job done within your specifications and timeline. You let us know your preference of paper stock.

For businesses that need help with design, layout, and sizes, our specialists can discuss the options with you. We can create graphics for you if needed, and we’ll show you our selection of paper stock, colors, and fonts for your manual. Depending on your manual type, we have many sizes and styles available. We make it easy for you to get on to your next project while we put this one together for you.

Bindery and Finishing

How do you envision your completed manual? We pride ourselves on choices for our customers. We have experts in the field who can show you samples and describe the differences in our binding and finishing methods. No two projects turn out the same—unless you want them that way! 

Refer to our section on Bindery and Finishing for more details. Manuals are marvelous! Give us a call to discuss your next project: 612-522-7600.

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Our Value
Reliability and Timeliness

Quality Excellence

At Highlight Printing, we take pride in delivering top-quality printing services. Our team of skilled professionals ensures that every project meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Quality Excellence

Innovation and Technology

We stay ahead of the curve by investing in the latest printing technologies and techniques. From advanced digital printing equipment to cutting-edge design software, we leverage innovation to deliver exceptional results.

Customer Satisfaction

Exceptional Customer Service

Customer satisfaction is our priority at Highlight Printing. From the moment you contact us to the completion of your project, we strive to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience. Our friendly staff are always ready to assist you every step of the way.

Innovation and Sustainability

Fast Turnaround Times

We understand the importance of deadlines. That's why we work efficiently to ensure quick turnaround times without compromising on quality. Whether you have a tight deadline or a last-minute project, you can rely on us to deliver on time.